
#20: Operational Energy

Military operations require large amounts of energy to train, move and sustain forces, as well as to power weapons...

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#19: Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations

Managing a reservoir is a delicate balancing act. If you keep too much water, there may not be enough...

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#18: SandSnap

Knowing the size of sand grains on the nation’s beaches is important to many coastal management efforts. However, getting...

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#17: Modernizing the B-52 Through Supercomputing

Since entering service in 1955, the B-52 Stratofortress has held strategic importance as the most combat capable bomber in...

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#16: Invasive Fisheries

Invasive carp species pose a significant threat to native fisheries, disrupting ecological balances, inflicting economic harm and hampering recreational...

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#15: Joint Planning Services

It can take months or years for the Department of Defense to develop strategic and operational plans, with people,...

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#14: Airfield Damage Repair

Given the strategic importance of air power in military conflicts, airfields often become targets. With airfield expertise that dates...

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#13: Permafrost Basic Research

Permafrost, or ground that has been frozen for at least two years, covers roughly a quarter of the Northern...

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