
#21: Enhanced Terrain Processing

Soldiers are often forced to operate using outdated geospatial data that may not accurately represent current ground conditions. This creates challenges when trying to find the best possible routes for troop maneuvers or when selecting helicopter landing zones. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is developing a series of tools to solve…

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#21: Enhanced Terrain Processing

Soldiers are often forced to operate using outdated geospatial data that may not accurately represent current ground conditions. This creates challenges when trying to find the best possible routes for troop maneuvers or when selecting helicopter landing zones. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is developing a series of tools to solve…

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#15: Joint Planning Services

It can take months or years for the Department of Defense to develop strategic and operational plans, with people, information and tools often scattered and stove-piped into silos. ERDC researchers have been working to develop a digital map-based environment for remote collaboration in near real time, enabling faster and more complete military planning to support…

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#4: Mapping in GPS-denied environments

As Global Positioning System, or GPS, technology becomes more commonplace, so does its usage by the Armed Forces in preparing for and executing battleplans. However, there has also been a growing trend of adversaries using technologies to jam or spoof these signals. This created a need to provide mapping capabilities for use in GPS-denied environments….

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#4: Mapping in GPS-denied environments

As Global Positioning System, or GPS, technology becomes more commonplace, so does its usage by the Armed Forces in preparing for and executing battleplans. However, there has also been a growing trend of adversaries using technologies to jam or spoof these signals. This created a need to provide mapping capabilities for use in GPS-denied environments….

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