
#25: CorpsCam: Enabling more proactive coastal management through real-time monitoring and data

Monitoring large and constantly changing coastlines can be expensive, time consuming and dangerous. Traditional surveying methods are also limited because they only provide a single snapshot in time and don’t capture the full picture. As a result, coastal managers don’t always have the information they need to understand dynamic coastal conditions and plan projects that…

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#25: CorpsCam: Enabling more proactive coastal management through real-time monitoring and data

Monitoring large and constantly changing coastlines can be expensive, time consuming and dangerous. Traditional surveying methods are also limited because they only provide a single snapshot in time and don’t capture the full picture. As a result, coastal managers don’t always have the information they need to understand dynamic coastal conditions and plan projects that…

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#15: Joint Planning Services

It can take months or years for the Department of Defense to develop strategic and operational plans, with people, information and tools often scattered and stove-piped into silos. ERDC researchers have been working to develop a digital map-based environment for remote collaboration in near real time, enabling faster and more complete military planning to support…

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#12: Structural Health Monitoring

Given the aging condition and economic importance of much of the nation’s navigation infrastructure, asset managers need accurate and real-time information on the conditions of structures operating well beyond their expected design lives. However, visual inspections of structures like locks and dams are often difficult and expensive. ERDC is filling this void with a broad…

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#12: Structural Health Monitoring

Given the aging condition and economic importance of much of the nation’s navigation infrastructure, asset managers need accurate and real-time information on the conditions of structures operating well beyond their expected design lives. However, visual inspections of structures like locks and dams are often difficult and expensive. ERDC is filling this void with a broad…

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#2: Installations of the Future

The nature of military bases is changing throughout the Armed Services. New defense doctrine increases their strategic importance for projecting power and for protecting Warfighters from emerging unconventional threats. Meanwhile, leaders desire more modernized facilities that will improve quality of life, keep pace with smart city technologies, and minimize their environmental footprint. ERDC is developing…

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#2: Installations of the Future

The nature of military bases is changing throughout the Armed Services. New defense doctrine increases their strategic importance for projecting power and for protecting Warfighters from emerging unconventional threats. Meanwhile, leaders desire more modernized facilities that will improve quality of life, keep pace with smart city technologies, and minimize their environmental footprint. ERDC is developing…

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